
Amalia Fodor, PR & CSR Manager, Orange Romania:

Amalia Fodor, former PR & CSR Manager, Orange RomaniaL-am intalnit pe Dragos atunci cand inca era student si i-am putut urmari evolutia in cariera incepand din 2002. Am avut o colaborare foarte buna atat cat era la Asociatia de Comunicare Ethos, cat si mai apoi la Selenis sau ResponsabilitateSociala.ro. I-am apreciat autenticitatea, punctualitatea si orientarea catre client. Este un comunicator excelent si are un “al salea simt” pentru a identifica corect tendintele si oportunitatile de afaceri. Cel mai bun exemplu este acela ca a creat primul website din Romania dedicat CSR (“Responsabilitate Sociala Corporativa”) atunci cand inca foarte putini oameni din piata locala intelegeau acest concept. Dragos are un “nas” bun si pentru potentialul oamenilor cu care lucreaza si de a aceea am putut urmari evolutia spectaculoasa a mai multor angajati ai sai pe care i-a modelat din niste tineri studenti in niste buni jurnalisti.


Diana Klusch, Corporate Affairs Director, Ursus Breweries:diana_klusch

Dragos a fost unul dintre primii profesionisti in comunicare din Romania interesati sa aprofundeze si sa scrie despre domeniul Sustenabilitatii. Prin intermediul muncii sale de la ResponsabilitateSociala.ro a avut o contributie remarcabila la cresterea notorietatii si popularitatii acestui domeniu in tara noastra. Dragos este o fire creativa si se afla mereu in cautarea unor modalitati de a inova in domeniul sau de activitate.


alexandra_coroleaAlexandra Corolea, CSR Officer, BCR:

Il recomand pe Dragos Dehelean si echipa sa pentru dedicatia si profesionalismul de care dau dovada. In colaborarea cu noi, BCR, s-au dovedit a fi mai mult decat niste consultanti, au fost adevarati parteneri care ne-au inteles obiectivele si si-au investit toata energia si cunoasterea pentru a le atinge.


Anca Nuta, Identity & Communication Director, UniCredit Tiriac Bank:

Anca Nuta, Identity & Communication Director, UniCredit Tiriac BankAm colaborat cu Selenis in proiecte de CSR incepand din 2012 si am fost foarte satisfacuti de rezultatele pe care le-am obtinut impreuna. Succesul colaborarii noastre s-a datorat faptului ca Dragos Dehelean si echipa sa au dovedit o intelegere profunda a nevoilor noastre de comunicare si de raportare de CSR. Am apreciat in special capacitatea lor de a documenta indicatorii relevanti, dar si talentul de a face informatiile tehnice de CSR accesibile si atractive pentru public. Vom continua sa lucram cu ei si ii recomandam pentru implicare si profesionalism.


Alina Bratu, Communication Manager, Tuborg Romania:

The Green Umbrella campaign needed a friendly meeting place for all those eager to join us in the quest for keeping Romania clean, so we were more than happy when Selenis provided that.  For Tuborg, openness and transparency were always paramount and the same values hold for the Green Umbrella brand. After the great job Selenis has done, our new website brings us hundreds of support messages every week, and tens of bloggers joining us.


Andreea Sfarlea, PR & Corporate Communication Manager, Danone Romania:

I loved working with Dragos Dehelean and his team! They proved time and time again, to be more than dedicated consultants, they are true professionals that go above and beyond to help their business partners reach the goals.


Bogdan Arnautu
, HeidelbergCement Romania, Chief Communication Officer:bogdan_arnautu

“We were lucky to have Selenis by our side when our group of companies began to analyze the performance of our former separate online solutions, to talk to our stakeholders about their needs, and to research international industry’s best practices. We’re confident now that we have a fully optimized online communication platform, with well-structured content, capable of accommodating all of our audience’s demands.”


Florentin Scarlat, Corporate Affairs Director Ozone Laboratories:

Florentin Scarlat, Corporate Affairs Director Ozone LaboratoriesNow, when we launch our online pressroom, after many months of working together with the Selenis team, I can honestly say that we have created comprehensive but yet easy to manage tool for all our stakeholders and especially journalists, a tool that they can use to find corporate information about Ozone in a way and scale they have never had before.


Dan Damian, CEO, CIEL Romania:

Dan Damian, CEO, CIEL Romania“At the beginning, we were impressed by the results Selenis had achieved for other public events they had advertised. They convinced us to hand them all the online communication of our most important social involvement campaign, CIEL Awards. Now I’m happy to say that we are proud of the results they provided for our project and that our partnership will continue for the next editions.